Friday, November 12, 2010

Reinventing Education

I'm reviewing James Powells An Education Crisis and let me start off by saying thanks for your opinion and I couldn't agree more.

 U.S. students recently finished 15th in reading, 19th in math, and 14th in science in the ranking of 31 countries by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Seriously? Apparently education provided here in America is worse than that many countries? I agree with James that there needs to be increased education in math and science but more importantly in my opinion, reading. How will they ever learn if they don't understand ? I also really like his idea in incorporating more language classes into school schedules, and especially the basic chinese or mandarin, since they are the number one widely spoken languages in the world. This Education Reform Bill that would triple our current public education fund would be fantastic, but you know as well as I do, it won't happen. More school for kids and more taxes for everyone? Most Americans aren't really thinking about their future generations and what would benefit them. They are more concerned about what would benefit them now, people want things done and they want it done fast, especially americans. We all want to see the fruits of our labor and for something like this, unfortunately, most wouldn't see the benefits in our lifetime. Another problem is with the foreign languages, sadly, most Americans will never leave the country and know this, and therefore wouldn't see the point in endorsing something they think they or their kids will never use.Ultimately while a great idea with great intentions, it probably won't happen. Hopefully one day  America will stop procrastinating and being selfish, how else will we ever have a better tomorrow if we don't start today?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Government: The political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities,societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state,community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.

Some of the major issues today are:
 The country's dependence on oil form abroad.
 The aging population and the affects that this will have on the social security, job market, and health care
Balancing the governments responsibility to protect us from terrorism and citizens right to privacy 
Perpetual deficits over the past two decades that have resulted in a national debt of over $9 trillion today, which is 65% of GDP and expected to reach 350% of GDP by 2050
 The increasing income gap between the rich and the poor
 The failure of our penal system to rehabilitate criminals and the overwhelming population in prisons
 Global warming and lack of preparedness for it
 The reality that most of our national debt is owed to China, Japan and the middle east
 Inflation of the dollar compared to other currencies.

The aging population and the affects that this will have on the social security, job market, and health care

Those are just a few main problems we have today.On a daily basis, nation wide, you always have someone complaining about how things are done, how things are run, and how things should be.  I don't really think people grasp the amount of time and manpower it really takes to make a country run. I'm not saying our government is perfect, nobodies is, but complaining about it isn't going to get anything done. Imagine where we would be without any government, better to have one you may find wrong sometimes, then none at all.  Theres always going to be problems, and if you think you can do a better job than those who are offering solutions, whats stopping you?