Friday, September 17, 2010

It's a bird.....It's a plane.....It's a 100- plus mile per gallon car?

 Environmental groups lobby Obama administration to adopt 60 mpg fuel standard
 The winners of the Automotive X Prize showed it was possible to achieve 100-plus miles per gallon cars. As a result 19 environmental groups have launched a campaign urging the Obama administration to adopt a 60 mpg fuel standard that would apply to cars and light trucks by 2025. Though I sometimes think these environmentalists are aiming a little too high I don't think its out of this world to expect such a thing especially when its such a long ways away.

Gloria Bergquist, vice president of the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, a trade group that represents General Motors, Ford Motor Co. and 10 additional auto manufacturers, said, "We were very surprised when environmental groups called for 60 mpg because just last year we worked with the Obama administration and the State of California and environmental groups to agree on a new national standard that would reach over 35 mpg by 2016, and before we've even achieved those new heights, in fact, before the program has even taken effect, there are already calls for almost double the mileage."

Am I the only one who thinks, why is the mpg fuel standard so low right now when a car like the Toyota Prius can get 51 mpg, I mean it's not like we're really getting cars with much less gas mileage for much cheaper, I'm not saying that the prius has a cheap price tag but what if everyone started buying and mass producing cars just like it instead of picking your old fashioned gas guzzlers, wouldn't the price significantly go down? I know it's not a solution but it would be a start.

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