Friday, December 10, 2010


Ha on a seious note, I just read Renata Greens Curing the Scurge of American Obesity, it was thoroughly entertaining and couldn't agree more with her. First off I would just like to say, I too fell victim to that  packed "embarrassing hippie food" for lunch growing up, yes that one you would try to trade with the other kids for their lunchables but no one ever would, thus forcing me to eat healthy. It's funny though I still know some of the kids I grew up with that had those lunchables and all that junk food, and let me just say I'm glad I ate my embarrasing hippie food. It is fantastic news that the House of Representatives passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, I mean have you really looked at some of the youth today? They make them a little bigger than they used too. This new act will make a huge impact on the way the kids eat now, and in the future. Nothing but good can come from it and the one thing that really caught my eye was "It also addresses the issue of food quality by providing $40 million of funding to facilitate the creation of school gardens, as well as the purchasing of local produce". I mean school gardens, growing some of your own food, how awesome would that be!? Really seeing the fruits and/or vegetables of your labor? Yes! This is definately a great start for that battle against obesity.

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